Engaged practice 4/14- 3PM at JHU Homewood campus

Dear Community:
Our regular BBMC mindfulness gathering for social activists is this coming Sunday April 14, 3PM

You may be aware there is an ongoing sit-in at the administrative building called Garland Hall on JHU’s Homewood campus to protest JHU’s new private police force and their training of ICE agents. It began the morning of Wednesday April 3. Members of BBMC joined students Monday April 8 afternoon for brief teach-in and walking meditation, and we have been invited to gather again and share our mindfulness practice this Sunday during our regular mediation meeting time

Please join us as we take the time to stop in solidarity, breathe deeply and engage with activists on-site. Each moment of stopping, healing, is critical for our greater collective healing.  http://www.mariselabgomez.com/how-do-we-build-just-communities-first-you-have-to-love-the-people/?fbclid=IwAR3LPb9Np8wEdDME0HsuTOv7Y5SzA8uFZkLYnzkQtKfXy26iIniPgJapeiU

When?  Sunday April 14


What?  3:30PM Join sit-in space and invite those interested for a 10-15-min guided seated meditation, followed by walking meditation 3x around the area, plus short mindfulness talk/teach-in and Dharma sharing (deep listening and loving speech).  We hope our mindfulness practice together will help ground and refresh us all.

We invite everyone to RSVP to this email address bbmcspace@gmail.com if you plan on attending so that we have a sense of the number of us gathering before we walk to Garland Hall.  This will also provide us with an email address to communicate any last minute info/updates/changes.

Special note: Unlike our usual BBMC gatherings for activists, since we will be meeting in an open space we cannot ensure our intentional POC to non-POC balance. For this occasion, we welcome all those who are interested in practicing mindfulness in public spaces and engaging in justice and love in action. 

Please RSVP by Sunday AM